Which Unhappy MUSiMOJIS Are You or Yours? Any Age – Any Ability
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The 5 Big %’s Ways to Explain Music Making Well-Beings Malaise
98% Dysmusia, -79% NPS 5 Ways, 20% SENsicians, 90% UNsicians, 100% Goal of WELLsicians.
Combatting Cybertoxicity Building A World Of Wellsicians
At the upcoming tes SEND Show London Business Design Centre Oct 11/12, Kevin M and Sally M Thomson – The Dyslexic Dysmusic Duo – will unveil the results of a decade-long quest to integrate Music Making as just a pastime or even professional pursuit into a new form of ‘Music Making Well-Beings’ – digital tools, apps, communities into life-changing solutions: Grounded in the neuroscience and social neuroscience of the power of relationships creating wellness of the past 25 years, their YouGov findings highlight a critical gap: Despite the well-documented benefits of music on well-being, yet both the $Multi-Tr Music and Wellness sectors have failed to develop solutions that effectively integrate these insights. Digital communities, apps, learning management systems (LMS), and even music education tools like LUMI and Fret Zealot, while advocating the power of music making, fall short-they don’t measure, train, or explain the impact of their offerings on well-being. Here are the 5 Big %’s Ways to Explain Music Making Well-Beings Malaise:
Aiming also for the Global Impact Challenge – Combatting Cybertoxicity of Social Distancing, Bullying, Misinformation – Building A World Of Wellsicians – Any Age Any Ability Any Academics Level = Anyone!
The ‘Sole Solution’ to building Digital Communities that Neuroscience and now Neuroscience says is the No. 1 Wellbeing, Cognitive Development, Brain Building, Social Connection, Health & Wellbeing of Self Medicating Magic!
- Dysmusia: The 98% Overlooked Condition – By The Experts in SEND!!
Malaise No. 1: For those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) or those who simply struggle with music, the concept of “Dysmusia”-a term coined in 2002 to describe difficulty in understanding music-remains virtually unknown. Shockingly, 98% of SEND professionals at the TES Show 2023 had “never heard of it.” Now defined with our YouGov survey as both SEND on the ‘Inner Circle and SEMND Social Emotional Mental Difficulties and Neuro-Diversity on the outer circle.
Implication: This lack of awareness underscores a significant gap in education and support, leaving millions of people without the tools to engage with music in a meaningful way. The opportunity lies in creating resources and training specifically designed to address Dysmusia, opening up the world of music to a much broader audience.
- The -79% YouGov Music ‘Connect’ NPS Score
Malaise No.2: A staggering -79% Net Promoter Score (NPS) from YouGov highlights how poorly people feel they connect with music making, despite its well-established benefits for well-being, cognitive development, and relationship building.
Implication: This disconnect suggests a massive untapped potential in fostering better relationships and cognitive growth through music. The challenge is to bridge this gap with solutions that make music making more accessible, engaging, and rewarding, ultimately transforming how people interact with music on a personal and social level.
- The SENsician 20%: Overlooked by Digital Solutions
Malaise: The SENsician population-20% of the global population with special educational needs-lacks dedicated digital tools that integrate music education with wellness benefits. Despite the potential for music to aid in their cognitive and emotional development, there are no comprehensive solutions tailored to their needs.
Implication: Developing digital tools that cater specifically to the SENsician population could revolutionize how these individuals experience music, turning it into a powerful tool for both education and well-being. This represents a significant market opportunity, as well as a chance to make a profound social impact.
- The UNsician 90%: The Unseen Unplaying Who ‘Never tried’ or simply ‘Gave up’
Malaise: According to ABRSM a full 90% of people fall into the category of “UNsicians” who either never tried music making or gave up despite the availability of digital solutions like Yousician. The barriers to entry remain high, and the motivation to continue is often lacking. Our YouGov Survey highlights the ‘malaise’ in the whole Music Education, Exam and Music Industry Sectors
Implication: The challenge here is to create more intuitive, supportive, and engaging ways for people to start and stick with music making. By addressing the reasons why so many give up, we can turn these UNsicians into active participants, unlocking their potential for personal growth and well-being.
- The Lack of a 100% Goal To Create ‘A World Of Wellsicians’ – A Holistic Music Making Well-Beings Solutions
Malaise: There are no comprehensive solutions that link the proven benefits of music making to well-being, despite overwhelming evidence from neuroscience and social neuroscience. Without tools like our 5 Ways To Music Making YouGov Benchmark or the 5-Ways-A-Day Music & Wellbeing Moments App, the potential for music to enhance well-being remains largely untapped.
Implication: By developing holistic solutions that integrate these scientific insights into everyday music making, we can provide everyone-regardless of age or ability-with the means to improve their well-being through music. This represents a significant opportunity to innovate within both the music and wellness sectors.
The Big Picture : 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 Big % Ways To Music Making Well-Beings Malaise
The cumulative effect of these revelations paints a clear picture: the current approach to music making and well-being is failing to reach its full potential. The implications are vast-millions of people are missing out on the cognitive, emotional, and social benefits that music can provide. The opportunity, however, is equally enormous. By addressing these gaps, there is potential to create a new, integrated sector that serves the needs of all ages and abilities, unlocking a market that has been largely overlooked.The 5 Big %’s malaise is real, but so is the opportunity. By rethinking how we approach music making, we can turn this untapped market into a thriving ecosystem where music truly becomes a universal tool for well-being.

From 1026 to 2026 – From Micrologus to Macrologus Step 1 (after a lifetime of frustration and over a Decade of R&D Step 1…
tes SEND Show – Oct 11/12 LINK – I launch the new websites wellsician.io and emojiphonics.org – For now here is my Dynamic Dysmusic Dyslexic Dysruptor personal site – and the tes Show page
DYSMUSIA? – 98% of TES SEND Show Exhibitors Survey Said….. “Never heard of it!”
Our Launch News – From Kevin M Thomson
The Dynamic (ENTP!) Dysmusic Dyslexic Dysruptor:
Lifelong frustrated musician- Author – Emotional Capital, The Company Culture Cookbook- Global Wellness Institute Ambassador- Founder of The Dysmusia Foundation
Creator of EmojiPhonics, The World’s First & Only SEND-Based Music Making-Wellbeings System
Our SEND & non-SEND Music Making Well-Beings Mission
Teaching You To Learn How To Learn – Not Teaching You To Play Music – For Every Age + For Every Ability + For Every Aspiration Level
Our Vision & Goal – A World of Wellsicians!
Everyone – Everywhere – Every Day!
In our YouGov Survey ‘The Global Scale of Dysmusia,’ I reveal in our model I call the ‘Circle of Dys,’ not just the 20% SEND with our new Global Definition of ‘Dysmusia’ but also the issues behind the estimated by ABRSM 90% who have “Never tried” or “Gave up music” I also reveal as being ‘Dysmusics’; whether they knew it or not! What causes dysmusia? Aside from SEND issues the answer is simple JTFD – Just Too Flippin’ Difficult!
My Patent Application reveals over 500 attempts to make music pedagogy, from sight reading, to comprehending the language of keys, modes, chord extensions, rhythm etc., simply less complicated! BUT not one Patent of the 500 with any solution for the SEND population!!
Our YouGov benchmark survey was based on the nef/UK Government ‘5 Ways To Wellbeing.’ We also uncover the links and neuroscience behind the power of Music Making Well-Beings and the reasons for the (minus) -79% NPS Net Promoter Score on our UK Benchmark of Music Making Well-Beings.
Worse news? Yes! Our web search for the term’s dyslexia and ‘dysmusia’ – which has actually been around for nearly 25 years – revealed 100% of organizations make NO attempt to cater to ‘Musical Dyslexia’ or any SEND issues of 20% of the Global Population at all. From ABRSM, Trinity, Rock School to Music Industry giants like Yousician, LUMI, Flat.io, and Noteflight, our search reveals nothing, nada, zip! Except for one ABRSM reference to ‘more time’ for Dyslexics in exams. Astonishing in a world of innovation and inclusivity!
Yet our AI-generated Global ‘Wellenomics – Of Music Making-Wellbeings’ new book reveals, there is a $4Bn Economic Sector Opportunity & (more importantly) a $1Tn Global IMPACT! A new 12th Sector of the Global Wellness Institute? YES!
So, we have our new definition of the 25-year-old revelation about Dysmusia. It is NOT ‘Musical Dyslexia’!
Join us at the TES SEND Show 2024 for the launch of The Dysmusia Foundation’s Revolutionary EmojiPhonics SEND Music System. Discover the cognitive development and social neuroscience power of the world’s FIRST and only SEND-based music system. Talk to Kevin M & Sally M Thomson about their Dynamic Dysmusic Dyslexic Dysruptor Dozen – The Books, Surveys, Tools & more.
We launch a decade-long endeavour dedicated to researching, developing, and celebrating a TES SEND Show 2026 Global celebration of MoMMii – Millennium of Music Making Innovation & Inclusivity. The Dysmusia Foundation was created by Kevin – Author and Hon. Prof – after realizing the glaring gap in addressing music learning needs. Our mission is to create a SEND-based system for all ages and abilities, focusing on both innovation and inclusivity and sensory diversity.
With a framework building on the nef/UK Government ‘5 Ways To Wellbeing,’ we make it ‘The 5 Ways to Music Making Wellbeing’ – THE single biggest impact on Wellness – EVER! We aim to partner with educators, organizations, and technology providers to revolutionize multi-sensory music education in a world where every individual can experience the joy and wellbeing of music making and build a ‘World of Wellsicians.’
The 5 Wells’ Solutions – Revealed in our Wellenomics – The Book and Wellsician – The Magazine
1. Well-Being
$4Bn Opportunity & $1Tn Impact: By creating a new sector within the Global Wellness Institute focused on music making well-beings, we can unlock significant economic and wellness benefits.
2. WellTaught
Educational Impact: Music making enhances cognitive development and social interaction. Our system aims to make music education accessible and compulsory, ensuring all students benefit.
3. Well-Versed
Awareness and Training: With 98% of educators unaware of Dysmusia, our goal is to provide comprehensive training and resources to address this gap, ensuring inclusivity in music education
4. Well-Enabled
Accessibility and Inclusion: We advocate for the inclusion of music making tools and systems that cater to all learners, including those with SEND, to create an inclusive educational environment
5. Well-Tech
Innovative Tools: By developing and integrating innovative tools and technologies, we can support and enhance music education, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
Join us in bridging what I reveal as ‘The Creative Chasm’ between all involved sectors of music, education, government, wellbeing, health, care, parenting, community and help build a world where everyone can experience the joy and wellbeing of music making. Can you say “I am a Wellsician!”? Can you say “I teach Dysmusia to all my students, SEND or not!”? You CAN now say “Dysmusia – I’ve heard of that!”.
Sally & I Look forward to talking with you.
We’ve Come A Long Way! Listen To The Start Of A 1,000 Years – Ut Queant Laxis = Do Re Me! From 1026 to the upcoming 2026 Millennium of Music Making Innovation & Inclusivity Inspire MoMMii – Inspired, Instigated, Innovated by Guido D’Arezzo – The hero of The Micrologus yet the unsung hero of Multi-SENsory,, Multi-Modal, Multi-Coloured & Multi-Lingual Music Making Theory & Practice. Time to update his music making to The Micrologus2.0!
Welcome – From Me [email protected] – The Dynamic, Dyscalculic, Dysmusic Dyslexic and my creation Happy Do – The Ionian Solfege Smiley!
It’s 1,000 years (nearly) since the publication by Guido D’Arezzo of his ground-breaking ‘Micrologus’ that changed music making – forever.
What does the next Millennia hold??

So here’s me- Creator of The DysMusical Me! MultiSENsory System of Happy Do’s Family of Fixed or Moveable Do Pattern Playing Do Re Memodjis and the Picture Picking Classroom Colors of the ABCDEmoji Musical Alphabet!
Author – The Employee Revolution, Managing Your Internal Customers, Emotional Capital, Passion At Work, The Company Culture Cookbook. Hon. Prof. Birmingham University, Former Fellow CIM, IABC Worldwide Executive Board. LinkedIn
Myers Briggs Qualified – The Dynamic Dyslexic – The ENTP – ‘Loose Cannon’.
Dysmusical Me Innovator -This project started with rainbow spectrum coloured dots on my guitar fretboard and piano keyboard in 2012 – to help me out of my (unknown) Dysmusia – formerly thought of as ‘Musical Dyslexia’. It has led me down the awesome path of discovering a Millennia of music innovation – which all started with Guido D’Arezzo or Guido Monaco (= monk). He may not have know the words ‘Multi-Sensory’ or Multi-Modal’ Teaching and Learning. He may not have known the acronym SEN-D for Special Educational Needs – Difficulties or Difficulties but the three ‘key!’ changes he made incorporated ALL of them.
- The Color Coded Staff with the F & C Lines Red & Yellow – for ease of knowing where the notes lay of the ‘Whole Gamut’
- Solfeggio Notation – Ut Queant Laxis Ut Re Mi Fa So La Si which became Do Re Me. This both gave names and words to the Hexachord Scale – later to be an Octave of notes. We’d call that a Verbal & Vocal Mnemonic today.
- The Guidonian Hand – so his Choristers could point to the whole of the ‘Gamut’ staff on all their fingers and palm. We’d call that Kinaesthetic learning!

Follow Up with New Wellbeing Recipes & New 16 MPTi 60 Second WoWW! Test
Dysmusia – Who Me?? Or just JTFD – Just Too Flippin’ Difficult?! In terms of all this Multi-Sensory & Multi-Modal language, you may be asking what’s Dysmusia and why www.dysmusical.me! I’ve got it – dysmusia – but didn’t know it and that’s why I’ve spent a decade trying to overcome it.
Well, I’m more that delighted to say that following the creation of the words ‘Developmental Dysmusia’ in 2000 by Neil Gordon MD FRCP we now have a PhD study by Meganne Woronchak in 2022 of what dysmusia is – from an academic point of view…..
The 2022 PhD – Making The Dysmusia Phenomenon Real! Here’s an interview/podcast next…and here’s the PHD itself LINK. In an evolving field of Music Psychological Research – such as Carol Krumhansl awesome work on what I call ‘root based Do’ + Anita Collins work on ‘Music and The Brain’ – which are both the foundation of my approach to Dysmusical Me innovation- we still have a lot to learn.
The Millennium of Innovative SEN-D Solutions – Let’s add in all the amazing innovation of the last millennia – from Sarah Glover’s Do Re Me Norwich System to Kodaly method and a lot more. Let’s throw in CHATgpt and the next millennium and we are at a crossroad of music pedagogy, psychology, inclusivity and technology that is going to change the next 1,000 years of Guido D’Arezzo’s incredible legacy – a legacy of multi-sensory, multi-modal and multi- lingual revolution – if he but knew it!!
Let’s get going!!
‘FAST! LEARNING – The DYSMUSiCOMPASS & Test = Fun + Accessible + Simple + Teachable! I What I knew ‘intuitively’ being dyslexic & dyscalculic & now realising (with Meares/Irlens and more, that I am, and always have been ‘dysmusic’ is there is/wasn’t a way to asses it. Inspired by a section in Dysmusia Phenomenon – and wanting to make it ‘FAST!’ Test = Fun + Accessible + Simple + Teachable! I propose something like the ‘DYSMUSiCOMPASS below.
Are you Squiggle or Box Learner – Does your Teacher Know??? Having done the test let’s let’s start at the end of VAKMT with what’s your ‘Type’? The MUSiCONNECTest is taken from ‘The Company Culture Cookbook’, with an added Fast & Slow Thinking Pair. Here’s my 5 Personality Pairs Yellow + Squiggle + Triangle + Red + Fast Thinking. But with the stress of learning music I go from ‘Yellow Squiggle’ into ‘Black Box!’. (Myers Briggs Qualified so ENTP to ISFJ – But bad at it!)
The 60 Second Test Musical Me! App is soon to be launched for Music Learning & Teaching as The MSCTi – The Musical MultiSENsory Communication Type indicator – 16 Music Teaching & Learning Personalities – By Design!.

DysMusical.Me has been in the making for my whole life since starting piano lessons at the age of 5 and giving up at the age of 12. I now know why! Because of Meares-Irlens Syndrome (Visual Stress) on top of undiagnosed dyslexia and dyscalculia plus ADHD!!
Solfege Smileys – The Do Re Memodjis! The Play By PLAYING! By E-AR System: Emoji – Augmented Readability. For Every Age & Ability. Powered By Samsung AR.
Meares Irlens – You too? You can’t Sight Read if the Notes ‘jiggle’ on the page. Irlens Syndrome is an SEN-D affecting up to 20% of us – that few know about. Add that to other SEN-D Special Educational Needs –Difficulties & Disabilities and your get what I’m calling Dysmusical Dyslexia!!
And more? Yep! – Dysmusical Dyslexia!! includes what I call Musical JTFD Syndrome – Just Too Flippin’ (or other F*! words) Difficult – see YouGov Benchmark below.
The Next Book with The 3×5 WoWWays of Wellbeing – Of Well Connecting – Of Well Educating ME = C21st Music Education
Over the last 7 years, when I decided to ‘do something about it’ i.e SEN-D and music education. Not just for myself – struggling to learn over 50 years – but for all like me. But here’s the thing……The 20/80 Rule of SEN-D Music Education!
If you get it RIGHT for the 20% of us who have SEN-D needs – the WOW! You REALLY GET IT RIGHT for the 80% with no needs (except perhaps JTFD!)
This is why I’ve been passionate (obsessive!) about a M.E. (Music Education) Revolution.

The UK Patent Application & Prior Art Research = So, after a peer review of SEN-D Patents, my own 25,000 words (and designs) UK Patent Application plus a YouGov UK Benchmark of Music Making & Difficulties the background work was started.
Now, after 7 years of music pedagogical innovation and re-imagining the last Millennia of music innovators (from Guido D’Arrezzo to Sarah Glover to Kodaly) I’m nearly ready to launch DysMusical.Me..
I’m close to being ready to go live with the The Guidojian Hand & The Musical Well-Beings Circle of 5’s’ – The MultiSENsory 5 Musical Ways of Wellbeing, Well Connecting & Well Educating.
The 5 Ways To Musical Wellbeing UK YouGov Benchmark – In the meantime here’s the YouGov Survey UK Benchmark 2018 & UK Patent Application.

The awesome thing about Music MAKING not just music listening is that it is THE best route to both Wellbeing & Brain Building. So, when applied to Music Education we believe the 5 Musical Ways of Wellbeing Wisdom creates a unique new framework to Energise, to Engage, to Educate – putting wellbeing at the heart of music making – for life. How? Your Music Making – Your Way!
I hope to CONNECT with you soon!
Kevin M Thomson
The UK YouGov Benchmark Music Education & Well-Beings
My UK Patent Application & Global Patent Review of Musical SEN-D Patents & Innovation